Pratham AI Systems

To interact or communicate with computer we need language. A language used for writing computer programs is called Programming Language. It is a set of instructions written in any specific language (C, C++, Python, Java). Programming is how you get computers to solve problems. The different types of programming methodologies are procedural (C,PASCAL, FORTRAN), object oriented (C++, Java, C#, Swift), functional (Scala, Haskell), scripting (Python, JavaScript, PHP) and logical (Prolog, Datalog).
Now the question arises which of these programming language you should learn? According to features, robustness, uses, scope and active users of programming languages, top programming languages are listed.
In this article, I will discuss top programming language to learn for better future. It will be useful for students and professionals to select better programming language to develop a robust software.

Programming Improves=>Logical thinking, creativity, and problem solving

Top 10 programming languages to learn.
(1) JavaScript
(2) Python
(3) Java
(4) C/C++
(5) PHP
(6) Swift
(7) Rust
(8) Go
(9) C#
(10) SQL


(1) JavaScript: Internet language, General purpose scripting language Most versatile, powerful programming language. JavaScript is a leading, most popular, high level, object oriented programming. JavaScript has highest number of communities and active users worldwide. 98% of the website uses JavaScript as language and 65% of programmers are using JavaScript to develop apps. JavaScript is the extensively used to develop web apps and AR/VR apps. JavaScript is used for front end and back end apps.
JavaScript is used by PayPal, Netflix, Big basket, Google etc. Average salary: 110000 USD per annum and 8 to 10 lac per annum in India.
Most of the framework such as Next Js, React, Angular JS, NUXT JS, Node JS, Express uses JavaScript scripting language.


(2) Python: Python is a general purpose, object oriented, high level Scripting language.
Applications of Python in Data analytics, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Web development.
Python is used by companies like PixArt, Intel, IBM, Spotify, Razor Pay, Facebook, Google, Amazon etc.
48% of programmers are using Python for software development.
Python is used in most of the Web development, AI, Data science frameworks like Django, Flask, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, Anaconda etc.
Average salary: 125000 USD per annum and 10 to 12 lac per annum in India.


(3) Java: Java is an object oriented, platform independent, multithreaded, high level programming language and development platform. With millions of developers running more than 60 billion Java Virtual Machines worldwide, Java continues to be the development platform of choice for enterprises and developers. Java have broad spectrum of applications, huge developer community.
Java is used in Mobile development, Software development, Big data, Operating development, Software framework etc. .33% of programmers are using Java language.
Java is used by Google, airbnb, Instagram, Uber, Paytm, Amazon, IBM, etc.
The average salary of Java programmer is 100000 USD per annum and 10- 12 lac per annum in India.


(4) C and C++: C is a procedural, general purpose, high level programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie. C is widely used for developing system software, developing new languages, Compilers, Databases, Operating Systems, application software, and embedded systems. C program is a fast, versatile, and can be directly interpreted by hardware.
C++: is an extension to C and High level, general purpose, Mutlti-paradigm, Object Oriented programming language developed by Bjarne Strustrup in 1979. C++ is a cross-platform language that can be used to create high-performance applications. C++ is widely used for developing Games, Desktop applications, Mobile applications, Operating Systems, application software, and embedded systems.
The C/C++ language is used by Google, NASA, Microsoft.
The average salary of C/C++ programmer is 130000 USD per annum and 11 lac per annum in India.


(5) PHP: PHP is an object oriented, high level, general purpose, open source, cross platform scripting language mainly used for dynamic and interactive web site development. It is Server side scripting language and embedded in HTML, CSS. It can support most popular databases, web servers and operating systems. 21% of the web developers are actively using PHP. PHP is used by Facebook, WikiPedea, Slack, MailChimp, WordPress etc.
The average salary of PHP programmer is 80000 USD per annum and 6 to 8 lac per annum in India.


(6) Swift: Swift is a general-purpose, fast, multi-paradigm, safe, object oriented, interactive, robust, intuitive, high level compiled programming language. Swift is developed by Apple Inc. and the open-source community for developing Ecosystem for MacOS. Swift is used for building apps for iOS, Mac, Apple TV, and Apple Watch. It is used for developing desktops, servers, mobile and embedded systems based applications. Swift code is compiled and optimized to get the most out of modern hardware.
Swift is used by Apple, IBM, TCS, Accenture etc.
The average salary of Java programmer is 160000 USD per annum and 8 to 10 lac per annum in India.


(7)Rust: Rust is a Multi-paradigm, statically typed, general purpose, high performance, high level, imperative programming language developed by Graydon Hoare (FireFox) to build reliable, fast and efficient software. Rust is blazingly fast and memory-efficient: with no runtime or garbage collector, it can power performance-critical services, run on embedded devices, and easily integrate with other languages.
Rust’s rich type system and ownership model guarantee memory-safety and thread-safety — enabling you to eliminate many classes of bugs at compile-time. Rust can be used for system as well as appllication software development. Rust is also used in Linux kernel developement.
Rust is widely used by many top companies like DropBox, CloudFlare, FireFox, Meta, Microsoft, Amazon and many more.
The average salary of Rust programmer is 110000 USD per annum and 8 to 10 lac per annum in India.

Go Language

(8) Go lang: Go is an open-source, statically typed, general purpose, high level, procedural and functional programming language designed at Google by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. Go is a part of the C-Family programming languages, and it uses a garbage collector to handle memory leaks and provides advanced memory safety.
Go can be used in Network services, CLI, For secure and reliable web applications, Cloud computing, Server side scripting, DevOps Also used for developing Microservices and API.
Used by Google, Paypal, Meta, Cloudflare, Microsoft, NetFlix, Salesforce, Twitter, Uber, and many more. The avaerage salary of Go programmer is 175000 USD per annum and 12 lac per annum in India.


(9) SQL: SQL (Structured Query Language) is Relational Database Management System’s (RDBMS) Language. SQL is common to all RDBMS. SQL is easy to use, portable fourth generation, non-procedural, efficient RDBMS language interact with data storage unit.
SQL is used by Rapido, Accenture, Dell, Cognigent, NTT data, Amazon, IBM, etc.
The avaerage salary of SQL programmer is 80000 USD per annum and 8 to 10 lac per annum in India.

C sharp

(10) C#: C# is a modern, object oriented, component oriented, type-safe, machine independent, multithreaded, high level programming language from Microsoft runs on .NET Framework to develop secure and robust applications.
C# is used to develop web apps, desktop apps, mobile apps, games, web services, Virtual Reality apps, database apps and much more. C# is used by companies like Microsoft, Stack overflow, Truspilot, City National Bank etc.
The average salary of C# programmer is 100000 USD per annum and 8- 10 lac per annum in India.

In this article I discussed top programming language to learn for developing robust, secure and efficient programs.

Amar Nayak

22 years of experience in Training, Programming, and Research.
Certifications: IBM DB2, IBM WebSphere, IBM Tivoli, OCA, OCP, SCJP (OCJP), CCNA, RHCE,

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